7 Amazing Facts about Dracorex Hogwartsia the Harry potter dinosaur - Animalassic

1. Dracorex's full name means"Dragon king of Hogwarts" Dracorex was a species of Pachycephalosaurid dinosaur which lived in Asia and North America during the late Cretaceous period.During 2006, Dr. Bakker name it Dracorexis Hogwartsia, meaning "Dragon king of Hogwarts" as a tribute to J. k.rowlings, the author of Harry Potter novels and because of its resemblance to fairytale dragons. Here are some amazing facts about Dracorex Hogwartsia: 1 . Dracorex's full name means" Dragon king of Hogwarts " Dracorex was a species of Pachycephalosaurid dinosaur which lived in Asia and North America during the late Cretaceous period.During 2006, Dr. Bakker name it Dracorexis Hogwartsia , meaning " Dragon king of Hogwarts " as a tribute to J. k.rowlings , the author of Harry Potter novels and because of its resemblance to fairytale dragons. Source ↗️ 2 . Dracorex stood as tall as an Emperor penguin Dracorex was roughly the ...