Ailuropoda microta - The earliest known ancestor of giant panda.

Ailuropoda microta aka the pygmy giant panda, is an extinct species of giant panda (ailuropoda) that lived in the tropical Forests of southern China during the late Pliocene and early Pliestocene periods.It is the earliest known ancestor of the modern-giant panda.

Ailuropoda microta

image by Haris Javed

Name: Ailuropoda microta
Pronunciation: Ai-lur- o-poda-mic-ro-ta
Named by: Pei wenzhong,1962
Diet: Herbivore
Estimated size and weight:1.1m and 45kg
Time period: Late Pliocene - Early Pliestocene

Ailuropoda microta aka the pygmy giant panda, is an extinct species of giant panda (ailuropoda) that lived in the tropical Forests of southern China during the late Pliocene and early Pliestocene periods.It is the earliest known ancestor of the modern-giant panda.

The first specimen of a.microta  was found in the South China limestone cave which was estimated to be 2 million years old.

The specimen's study revealed that the Giant panda has evolved for more than 3 million years as a completely separate lineage from that of other bears.

Image by Wikimedia Commons

A.microta was anatomically very similar to the modern-giant panda except for height, as it was approximately half the size of its modern descendent, which can grow 1.5 meters tall (5 feet).

Image by Wikimedia commons.                       

Paleontologists uses the wear patterns of animals' teeth to learn about their diet, and A.microta's teeth wear patterns indicate that it, like modern-giant pandas, relied mostly on bamboos for food.

More about evolutionary history of Giant panda by PBS Eons.



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