Spiderman Agama - Reptile world's Spiderman - Animalassic

The Mwanza flat-headed rock agama, also known as the Spider-Man agama, is a species of dragon lizard(agamidae)found in semi-deserts of Tanzania,Rwanda and Kenya. The species has become a popular pet among the reptile enthusiasts due to ...

Mwanza flat-headed rock agama

Scientific name: Agama Mwanzae
Discovered by: Arthur Loveridge,1923
Diet: Insectivore
Average lenght: 6-9 inches
Lifespan: 15 years (captivity)
Locomotion: Quadrupedal(can run on two legs if necessary)
Pronunciation: here


The Mwanza flat-headed rock agama, also known as the Spider-Man agama, is a species of dragon lizard(agamidae)found in semi-deserts of Tanzania,Rwanda and Kenya. The species has become a popular pet among the reptile enthusiasts due to its colouration,which resembles a famous superhero Spider-Man.


Image of female Spider-Man agama by Wikipedia commons

Male Spider-Man agama's head,throat and shoulder are bright red or violet and the rest of the body is dark blue while the female agamas are wholly brown in colour and are smaller than males. During the day, they can be found basking on rocks or kopjes(small hills in a generally flat area), but as the night falls or when stratled male agamas will likely change thier bright colour  to brown to make themselves less visible to predators.

Males agamas are highly territorial and polygamous(one male preferably have around 5 breeding partners).Once a male has won over a female, he will court her with exotic head bobs and swings.

Spider-Man agamas, like all other agama lizards, are insectivorous and eat waxworms, locusts, crickets, and cockroaches.


Spider-Man agama disturibution by Wikimedia Commons

Male Mwanza flat-headed rock agama's image source-Pinterest



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