10 Rare Animals You Never Knew Existed | Animalassic

2. Hebridean Sheep 3. Demon orb weaver spider 4. Polkadot zebra 5. Elf owl 6 ...

A Note for you:

As the title suggests, this post is about the rare animals you didn't know existed. While most of these animals are unknown to the majority of the population, it's possible that you know some of them, so don't freak out in the comments.

1Dracula Parrot

 Ma Dracula parrot by Ondrej Prosicky via Shutterstock

Dracula parrot or vulturine parrot is a rare species of parrot found only in the hills of New Guinea. 

The parrot does not eat rotten flesh or suck blood and is frugivorous. It was named Dracula because of its red and black feathers, which resemble Dracula's cloak, and the second name, " Vulturine parrot " was given to it as it has a partially bald head, somewhat similar to a vulture. 

2. Hebridean Sheep

Hebridean sheep via Wikimedia commons

The Hebridean is a breed of small black sheep from Scotland, which have a short, triangular tail and often have two pairs of horns. 

Modern Hebrideans have black, coarse wool that fades to brown in the sun and often becomes grey with age; there is no wool on the face or legs.

3Demon orb weaver Spider

G. falcicornis via Wikimedia commons  

Gasteracantha falcicornis or Demon orb weaver spider is a spider species in the Araneidae family, found in eastern and southern Africa.

As their appearance and name suggest, these spiders are demons, but only for tiny bugs, which they prey on and to people with severe arachnophobia.

The demon orb spider is non-venomous and is no larger than 1.2 inches in size. 


4. Polka dot Zebra

Polkadot zebra via Elewana collection 

Tira is the only known polka dot zebra in the world. He is mostly black with white spots and lives in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.

He was discovered one day, by a local guide named Tira, and thus the world's only polka dot zebra was named.

5. Elf Owl

Elf owl via Pinterest  

The elf owl is both the lightest and smallest owl in the world. It is nocturnal and feeds primarily on insects. 

The owls feign death when handled, an adaption that encourages a predator to relax its grip so that the owl can escape.

6Iridescent reticulated Python 

Iridescent reticulated python via Pinterest 

This beautiful snake shimmers like a rainbow on amplifiers and reflects vibrant colors every way it turns.

The python is named MyLove, and it was bred on-site at the zoo. She has the golden child gene, which causes the shimmer, and the motley gene, which gives her the unique pattern and is probably one of its kind, similar to the polka dot zebra.

7. Panda Ant

Panda ant via Wikimedia commons

Females Obviously, they are not pandas, nor are they ants; they are female wasps but without wings, as only male panda ants have wings.

Panda ant coloration is aposematic, which means that it serves as a warning to predators that attacking them would be a big mistake. Like other wasps, they have a sting that is excruciatingly painful.  the proper mating position.  

8. Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier vis Wikimedia commons

The Bedlington Terrier is a small dog breed named after the mining town of Bedlington in Northumberland, England. The breed was previously known as the Rothbury or Rodbury Terrier, and the name Bedlington Terrier was not given to it until 1825.

These sheep-like dogs are pretty fast and have enough endurance to keep up with a horse's average speed. The Terriers are equally fast on land and in water.

9. Vaquita

Vaquita via Wikimedia commons 

Vaquita is the smallest living species of cetacean plus, the world's rarest marine mammal. They look like a snout-less dolphin with a small body, an unusually tall, triangular dorsal fin, and a rounded head.

The species is at severe risk of extinction due to illegal gillnet fishing for the critically endangered totoaba fish.

Only about ten vaquitas remain, but scientists say there's still hope for the vaquita.  

10Brahmin caterpillar

Brahmin catterpillar via igor siwanowicz 

They may appear harmful or even toxic to some people, but they are not. They are just as harmless as other caterpillars in your garden that are preparing for metamorphosis.

Adult moths have alluring patterns and large eye-like spots on their wings that resemble owl eyes, and they, like owls, are nocturnal. When disturbed, the moth shakes violently rather than flying away.   

Part 2 In Progress⏳

these three (image via wikimedia commons)

Brahmin moth via Wikimedia commons


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