Here's Why You Should Start Calling Your Old Pteranodon toys Ludodactylus - Animalassic

Pteranodon Longiceps by Warpaintcobra via Istockphoto

Check out if you have any pteranodon toy, have a close look at its beak, if it has teeth, you should stop calling it a pteranodon, Here's why:

Back then (even now), Pteranodons were among the most well-known pterosaurs among the general public, which the toy manufacturers saw as an opportunity and began creating Pteranodon toys but, with teeth to make the toys appear more ferocious and appealing to customers.

The addition of teeth made the toy more appealing but also resulted in a deliberate error, as real pteranodons were toothless and were given the name pteranodon because of this (pteranodon means "toothless wing"). In short, toy companies added teeth in the beak of a creature whose name means‭ '‬Toothless wing'.

This slight error couldn't have been much of an issue, but teeth on the creature whose name actually means‭ '‬Toothless wing' makes the toy replica inaccurate for able to be considered a pteranodon, and no such creature was known to exist so, the toy could be referred as that creature, until 2003.

Ludodactylus sibbicki via Victor silva 

In 2003, fossils of a new species of pterosaurs were found in the Crato Formation of the Araripe Basin in Ceará, Brazil. The newly discovered pterosaur was about the same size and had a similar-looking crest to the pteranodon, plus it also had teeth. The newly found pterosaur was pretty similar looking to many of the toothed pteranodon toys, and because of this, the pterosaur was "Ludodactylus sibbicki" meaning 'Toy fingered' or 'Play fingered'.

And from afterward the discovery, anyone who wants an excuse to claim their old‭ '‬toothed Pteranodon‭' ‬toys as scale replicas can now do so,‭ ‬just remember to call them Ludodactylus.


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