10 Amazing Facts about Shark skin You Probably Don't Know - Animalassic

Adult whale sharks have skin about as thick as 4 inches with a consistency similar to strong rubber giving it the title of fish species with the thickest dermis (skin) and the second animal with the thickest skin ( Sperm whales have the thickest skin).

Fact no. 4 Sharks skin...proof

Those sharp denticles on the shark's skin do more than just reducing drag and turbulence. They are shark's defense mechanism against ectoparasites, algae, and pathogens. 

Shark's skin's unique rugged texture prevents the microorganisms and ectoparasites from attaching them from shark's skin

Shark's skin's unique rugged texture prevents the microorganisms and ectoparasites from attaching them from shark's skin

Here are the 10 amazing facts about Shark's skin :

1Sharkskin looks like Dragon scales under microscope

Shark scales under microscope via passport ocean

The skin of a shark is covered in sharp, microscopic scales known as dermal denticles, these denticles when zoomed 100 micrometers resembles the scales of a silver dragon (I think so).

The primary function of these denticles is to reduce underwater drag and turbulence, allowing the shark to travel quietly and effectively.  (Fact Source↗️

2. Whale sharks have the second thickest skin in the whole animal kingdom

Whale shark by Andrea Izzotti via Shutterstock

Adult whale sharks have skin about as thick as 4 inches with a consistency similar to strong rubber giving it the title of fish species with the thickest dermis (skin) and the second animal with the thickest skin( Sperm whales have the thickest skin). 

If whale sharks feel attacked or threatened, they can make thier skin even durable by tensing the muscles underneath the skin. (Fact Source↗️

3There's a popular suiting fabric called "Sharkskin"

Dark Navy Sharkskin Quartz  Super 100's Suiting and Jacketing Fabric by Barrington fabrics via Etsy

Sharkskin doesn't always mean the skin of a shark. For a tailor, sharkskin refers to a woven or warp-knitted smoot crisp fabric with a dull finish that looks similar to sharkskin.

Usually made up of acetate, rayon warns, worsted wool, and other types of synthetic materials, and is a popular choice for both men and women's worsted suits, light winter jackets, and coats. 

Sharkskin is also commonly used as a liner in diving suits and wetsuits. (Fact Source↗️)

4. Sharp denticles on the shark's skin makes it parasite and microbe-proof

Sharkskin under microscope by Department of Zoology University of Peshawar via Facebook

Those sharp denticles on the shark's skin do more than just reducing drag and turbulence. They are shark's defense mechanism against ectoparasites, algae, and pathogens. 

Shark's skin's unique rugged texture prevents the microorganisms and ectoparasites from attaching them from shark's skin. (Fact Source↗️)

5. Sharkskin inspired surfaces can prevent spreading of antibiotic-resistant superbugs in hospitals

Sharklet plastic sheet product under microscope via Sharklet

Sharkskin is so effective in impeding bacterial growth that the sharklet technologies have created a plastic sheet product with many microscopic scale-like structures similar to the shark's skin and named it sharklet. 

To test sharklet's effectiveness, a team of researchers from an Australian hospital set up experiments to mimic how bacteria might contaminate surfaces in real-life such as using a paint sprayer to apply the bacteria to the surface and contaminated velveteen to touch surfaces. 

They used many One of the bacteria used in this experiment was MRSA, which is antibiotic-resistant and notorious for causing hospital infections. 

Returning to the study, researchers found that Sharklet had 94 percent fewer bacteria than smooth surfaces, while copper, known for its antimicrobial properties, only had 80 percent less MRSA. (Fact Source↗️

6Before the invention of sandpapers, people used sharkskin for polishing wood

 Man sanding wood by Pavel Danilyuk via pexels

Before the invention of sandpaper, people used dried shark and ray's skin called shagreen, like an abrasive for smoothing and polishing woods. 

In ancient times, Japanese bladesmiths used shagreen for wrapping the hilts of swords made for samurais'. (Fact Sources 1,2↗️

7. Female sharks have skin twice as thick as thier male counterparts

Sharks mating(I have edited it) via Earth touch

In sharks, specifically blue sharks, females have skin twice as thick as their male counterparts.

Females have thicker skin to minimize the damage during the mating process in which the male sharks bite the female shark's back flanks and dorsal fin to get the female into the proper mating position. (Fact Source↗️

8. Nurse sharks are one of the few sharks which have smooth skin

Nurse shark floating by Gary rose via Istock

Enough about the rough-skinned sharks, meet nurse shark, one of the few sharks with smooth skin (another one is silky shark) . 

Like their name, nurse sharks are calm and mostly harmless to humans but are known to attack if threatened or someone accidentally steps on them. (Fact Sources 1,2↗️

9. The spot pattern on the skin of each whale shark is as unique as a fingerprint

Whale shark's skin via Shark's World

Every whale shark has a unique pattern of spots and stripes on its skin, similar to how every tiger has a different stripe pattern and every human has a different fingerprint. The WWF uses these patterns to identify individual sharks. (Fact Source ↗️)  

10. There exists a color called sharkskin 

Sharkskin colour via CrispEdge

Sharkskin is a mid-tone, gray, baked greige with a sandy undertone, said to be a perfect paint color for living spaces, private spaces, or kitchens.
 Its Hex codes is #838487. (Fact Source↗️)

If you know any other facts about Sharkskin🦈,feel free to share them in the comment section


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