
Showing posts with the label Archive

10 Amazing Dinosaur-looking Animals you must see.

Whether you're a Jurassic Park fan,  Paleoartist, a Paleontologist, or a random dino enthusiast, at one point or the other in your mind, a desire to see a real living dinosaur must have come. But unless the scientists find a way to bring back the terrible lizards from extinction, we won't be able to.  Until then, check out these awesome breathing animals from which you can catch a glimpse of dinosaurs.  Here they are - 1 .J ackson's Chameleon  Male Jackson's chameleon via San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Jackson's Chameleon Aka Kikuyu three horned chameleon is a chameleon species native to East Africa but can also be found in Hawaii, Florida, and California. Male Chameleons grow three horns near the nostrils and two above the eyes, which give them a close resemblance to the well-known three-horned dinosaur, namely the Triceratops. Triceratops by Kollinger via Pixabay Unlike males, female chameleons don't have horns but rather, female chameleons have their uniqu

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